Jacob Aguiar
Millie Whipplesmith Plank


July 3, 2023 - July 29 2023
Reception & Gallery Art Walk: Thursday, July 20, 5-8 PM
Online & In-Person

Jacob Aguiar

I'm extremely grateful to Kathryn for giving me the opportunity to show my work in her gallery. Jackson has quickly become one of my favorite places on earth, and I am happy to have a home for my work locally. Otherwise, I'd continue to paint these scenes, but they would cover every square inch of my home or sit in piles in my studio! Art is meant to be seen.

Works in this show reflect my visceral attraction to striking patterns of light and shadow in the landscape. The subject matter itself is less important than how light falls on the subject, describing form and shape. I may embellish contrast, play on complementary colors, or use particular marks to describe light, all in an attempt to portray the feeling of the light of a place.


Millie Whipplesmith Plank